Presbyopia is when you eyes begin to lose their ability to focus on objects that are nearby. This is usually a part of aging and often begins when a person is in their 40s and usually gets worse until around 65.
Those who have this eye condition begin to notice they’re having problems when they have to hold up a book or newspaper to be able to read them. This condition can be found out with an eye exam and can often be corrected with prescription or non prescription glasses. Surgery is another option for Presbyopia.
Other symptoms of this eye condition are: blurred vision when reading, holding books or newspapers away to make the words look clearer and headaches or eyestrain after reading. If you find that reading is becoming more blurry or is interfering with other daily activities, then you need to talk with your eye doctor. Why not see an optician Coventry who can help you with all of your eye concerns, especially when it comes to Presbyopia.
It is important to note that the goal of treatment for Presbyopia is to make up for the inability of your eyes to focus on objects that are close.
There are various treatment options for Presbyopia and they are: corrective lenses, bifocals, trifocals, bifocal contact lenses and refractive surgery. Refractive surgery is effective because it changes the shape of your cornea.
Refractive surgical procedures include: Conductive keratoplasty, LASIK, LASEK, lens implants and small diameter corneal inlays.
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